We are Victory

Parish Commissions



Education Commission

The purpose of the Education Commission is to recommend policy which shall govern parish educational programs, subject to the approval of the pastor. The Education Commission will serve as a vital link in assisting the pastor and parish administrators in the development of a long range plan for parish educational programs in compliance with Archdiocesan Standards and Policies and to offer counsel and advice to the pastor and parish administrators in the operation of these programs. 



Peace & Justice Commission

The purpose of the Peace and Justice Commission is to establish, facilitate and review activities and educational programs that promote the principles set forth in the Mission Statement: “to educate, inform, and call all members of our parish community to a responsible and Christ-like action regarding social, economic, political, environmental, or any other issue that concerns human dignity and the quality of human life worldwide.”

See our Photo Gallery Here

Some of the programs include: Care Barrels/ Food Pantry, sale of Fair Trade products, The Giving Tree, Christmas in July, Tender Mercies, letter writing for Legislative Advocacy, Medical Missions overseas, and other important issues.

The meetings are always open and we welcome everyone to come, listen and learn. One person can make a difference! Can you?


Worship Commission

The Worship Commission assists the Pastor in planning the celebration of the Rites of the Church for the salvific, pastoral, and spiritual needs of the people of Our Lady of Victory Parish in accordance with the teaching of the Catholic Church. Our aim is to celebrate the Liturgy in a dignified manner in accordance with the proper approved liturgical norms for the celebration of the sacred rites as laid out in the Liturgical Books, the Code of Canon Law, and the approved Diocesan norms.

The Worship Commission is responsible for the recruiting and training of liturgical ministers; it prepares for the celebration of the liturgical rites and popular devotions; it sees to the proper maintenance and development of art and environment. The Commission works in liaison with the parish staff in providing for the needs of the liturgy including the training and recruitment of ministers. It provides support, suggestions, and recommendations to the Pastor and offers reliable feedback from the congregation.

Its membership consists of registered members of the parish who are willing to contribute their skills, talents, abilities, and time for the good ordering of the liturgy, the beauty of the celebration and environment, and for the proper worship to the glory of God.

(Revised 8 August 2018)